Thank you for making your pledge of financial support for the UUSP. Your pledge is the total amount that you expect to contribute during the fiscal year (July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026.)
Please use this online form to complete your confidntial pledge and make any updates to your contact information. If needed, a member of the Annual Giving team can assist you with the form. Additionally, people will be available after most services to assist people who need help with the online form.
Your pledge of support will be used for operations of our church building, staff, and programs. Member financial support is our primary source of funds to support the mission of our congregation. Please consider a stretch gift!
Please complete all of the fields. It is one way that we are able to maintain up to date contact information as required by our bylaws.
If more than one person in your household are church members and you submit a combined pledge, then you are a pledging household. If you are the only member in your household, or there are muiltiple members and each pledge individually then you are not a pledging household.
If this answer is a change from last year, please describe the change. For example, members of your household pledged individually last year but will be combining your pledges for the upcoming year (or vice versa). Or, a child is now an adult and pledging as an individual.
Members may pledge individually or as a household. Pledges may be paid in increments such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly, as you choose. Lump sum payments are welcome especially earlier in the fiscal year. Pledge amounts are confidential.
• Your pledge is a commitment or promise to contribute a specific dollar amount each fiscal year based on your own financial circumstances as you deem best.
• Each member is asked to consider contributing 3 to 5% of their annual expense budget or disposable income.
• The amount of your pledge is annual, made now prior to the start of our fiscal year, July 1.
• You can always change the amount of your pledge by notifying the financial secretary at
• While there is no minimum pledge, currently it costs about $2,200 per member to support our church.